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Showing posts from February, 2016


HEY GUYS!    I wanted to try something different today. As I have been getting feedback on my blog from many people, I wanted to incorporate some of that feedback into my blog posts. So as I have been updating you guys about my life.  I wanted to make this post all about you! What I want to know is: Why do you read my blog?... ...Is there anything special going on? Or is it all the same? Are you guys happy or sad about something, anything, everything? So...what's new? No matter what it is I want to know. So this is all about you! Tell the world, what's your story? -Monavitta -Your Innovative Trend Setter


So hey guys... I'm back! and it feels great to be writing. what happened today... not much.     PE was great! We are playing speed-away, and we ,my team, were trying so hard to get to the top and... my team, Rainbow Tacos Direction, won against the now defeated "undefeated" team by 7-6. It was a close call, but it still feels great to be in 1st place, which we intend to stay in. And the best part it that now there's even more hope for us to win the championship and get THE CARDIO PASS!!! To top that off, if we win the championship, then this will be my third time in a row to get a cardio pass (from volleyball, handball, and speed-away). But who knows? (Still crossing my fingers) And I showed my blog to a few people and they found it very interesting and amusing, so that's great. So....umm... the new thing is that CNN and everybody are saying that the stock market is going to crash? Well... that's all that happened, so keep looking for m

Whatz Up?

Hey guys,     Its been a long time since I've written to you guys. But now it feels great to make a comeback into my blog after a while.  No much has changed in the last few months. Everything is pretty much the same, school is going well, etc.  Anyway, so what's new with you guys? Anything different that has happened over the last few months? Something special? Or just in the ordinary?  Anyway, I still want to know, so post in the comments down below.  Looking forward to what you have to say.        Stay tuned for more.     -Monavitta😜