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Ghosted - A Villanelle

All I want to know is why What occurred just as I feared, Ghosting me with no goodbye. Did you smile, or did you cry Because what you did set me to tears, And all I want to know is why. This helpless circumstance is what I wanted to deny But, why didn’t I see it when it was so clear Ghosting me with no goodbye. I saw the fog pouring into the sky. The storm awaits as you appear Because all I want to know is why. Your actions were not justified, But this guilt inside me began to sear, After ghosting me with no goodbye. I didn’t want what we had to die, So I still forgave you but became just your peer. All I wanted to know was why You ghosted me with no goodbye.

Food is a Feeling

Food, how it finds its way into my mouth. People eat because they are hungry, Or emotional, Or bored. But, I, for one, do not eat for survival. I eat to eat. I spend my lunch socializing and neglecting food, So I can give it my undivided attention. As I open my lunchbag, I inhale the smell of the Indian spices, and the sweet scent of the strawberries. I scrape the remains of my food, so I can savour all the flavor. My eyes, Nose, And mouth,   All foes work together to embrace food. As I swallow every time, my soul and my body become one. Food, how it finds its way to my mouth. Goosebumps have an effect on my body. I see,  Feel,  And embrace this feeling. This beautiful aching of hunger is something I love to endure. When I’m finished, I wait, For another time when food will find its way into my mouth.

Rejection - why it's necessary

Rejection.  Rejection is, unfortunately, a necessary part of human life. While a rejection-less life may sound ideal, it is an essential part of your well-being. After we get past the initial sting, a holistic approach to reevaluate yourself is actually to your advantage. It makes you push yourself, it makes you realize that something wasn’t meant to be, it makes you look forward to better opportunities in the future, and, most of all, it makes you grow.   There are many hidden, underlying benefits of being rejected, but the most important ones are that it motivates you, it teaches you, and it reminds you. It reminds you that sometimes no just means not right now. It teaches you that taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture helps you understand that there are many other things in store for you. It motivates you to acknowledge that rejection is a favor in disguise and a way to get on the right track and is the best way to move forward with a positive mindset. Finally, i

Isn't It Romantic - Yes, It is.

Directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson and filled with a star-studded cast, the much-anticipated Valentine day release, Isn’t It Romantic, proves to be more than just a crowd-pleaser. With rom-coms making a comeback into Hollywood, this feel-good satire left its audience with a different type of cynical humor that only this cast could deliver. The film’s plot revolves around Natalie (Rebel Wilson), a cynical Australian architect living in New York City who despises romantic comedies. Since her childhood, she was always told that true love, the kind you find in the movies, was never made for girls like her. The movie starts off with her assistant and her debating the absurdities of rom coms. After deciding to become more open towards love, she knocks herself unconscious on the subway as she escapes being mugged and wakes up as the leading lady in a romantic comedy. Throughout the movie, the theater is filled with laughter as the movie pokes fun at the genre’s clichés. Wilson, relyi

Women in the Workforce

This June will mark the 56th year since the Equal Pay Act was passed. President John F. Kennedy aimed to abolish the wage disparity based on sex. Even after half a century later, the wage gap has not come anywhere close to disappearing. In 1963, women earned only 59% of every paycheck that their male counterpart made; unfortunately, not much has changed, in 2018 women earned only a total of 77 cents every dollar of their male colleague. It is thought that in a progressive country like America, such problems like these would not arise. Although the quality of work done by women and men is equal, the monetary value is not the same. In the past decade, albeit the support for gender equality has increased, the wage gap remains omnipresent in all industries.  As power-hungry companies are questioned for their discrimination, they remain silent and in denial of any biases that they hold. The wage gap changes as the women ages, usually being at its peak when women are in their 30s and 4

A Change for A Change

Change.  Change is something that is inevitable.  Change is something that just happens. It makes you a different person, a more mature person, a better person. Change happens to everyone. Everyone changes. You’ve changed. I’ve changed. From starting this blog in sixth grade and writing about my life to going through middle school and now being a sophomore in high school, I’ve learned, and I’ve changed. Switching schools, making new friends, becoming more focused in life, foreseeing where my future path is,and altering my perspective on what lies in front of me has changed my vision on life and on my purpose.  That’s why I’ve decided to change the focus of this blog from more of a journal to a place where I’ll be writing about issues that I feel are necessary to address along with any interesting adventures that I encounter. I would like to make this blog more than just a place where I would speak about my experiences at school, but a place that I can speak up about anything and m

Taking Down the Taboos

When living in such a diverse and accepting community, my bi-annual trip to India was definitely a shocker. I was left flabbergasted at the amount of sexism that exists in these misogynistic communities. Seeing this type of treatment of young girls gave me a sense of responsibility in that I should shed light on the issue of girls worldwide not having adequate information regarding their sexual health all due to the cultural taboos that they are surrounded by.  How do misogynistic communities affect adolescent girls going through puberty? In many countries, pubescent girls do not know enough about their reproductive health. The lack of sex education leads to a cultural taboo surrounding the topic of women’s health. This leads to higher rates of unplanned pregnancies, illegal abortions, and a higher mortality rate.  As girls worldwide are transitioning into the womanhood, the onset of menstruation marks the turning point in their lives. Although this is an experience shared by wom

Good Luck!

Hey Guys! Good Morning! If you are new to my blog, I would like to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Monica Manmadkar, the blogger. I am a freshman in high school, and I write a blog about my life and others around me. I know its been a long time since I have posted something on here, but its been busy. I came into high school, and the workload was a lot. But, have no fear, I will be posting regularly from now on. Finals are here, and its bright and early. Everyone must be cramming to get those borderline grades up. I just wanted to put my motivation out there for those who think they can't survive these last two days of school. Don't Worry! Its the last stretch of this long journey you've been through the whole year. You got this! You can bring those grades up, and if you don't, then it is OK. This is just one semester of your whole life. You have a lot in front of you, such as more opportunities to prove to colleges that you deserve to be a student at their academ

The secret

Hi guys! Just one more week until no more SBAC, (for a year)... :( I've just read this book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne , which is great.. Anyway, there's not much new but I just wanted to convey a message that I have learned over the break.          The Secret of Life The secret of life is a simple subject which is very easy to understand and makes a huge difference in life. But, the surprising factor is that not many people know.      The secret of life is that you need to be positive and not attract negative things .  I know this sounds cheesy and that you already know all this stuff, but it is actually very true. If you want something, then you should ask the universe and be positive . For example:   One who says that "I do not like my teacher!" would be attracting negative things towards them, like their teacher hating them, etc.     While one who says that "I enjoy my PE class.." would be attracting positive things. So, I do

Happy Women's day

So hey guys, I've not been writing because I've been busy and stuff... Anyway, so I'll make this quick and easy.    So today, we had our state PE test, and I was pretty proud of my timing!!! And today we had an earthquake drill, so 1st period of PE have to run the mile all over again tomorrow. :( :( :( :(  1st period has my sympathy. And for todays topic: HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY!!! This is to all the girls (and boys)   We are no less than men. We have the ability to thrive. We are independent.  WE AE EQUAL!!       The fight for gender equality shall remain. HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY!!


HEY GUYS!    I wanted to try something different today. As I have been getting feedback on my blog from many people, I wanted to incorporate some of that feedback into my blog posts. So as I have been updating you guys about my life.  I wanted to make this post all about you! What I want to know is: Why do you read my blog?... ...Is there anything special going on? Or is it all the same? Are you guys happy or sad about something, anything, everything? So...what's new? No matter what it is I want to know. So this is all about you! Tell the world, what's your story? -Monavitta -Your Innovative Trend Setter


So hey guys... I'm back! and it feels great to be writing. what happened today... not much.     PE was great! We are playing speed-away, and we ,my team, were trying so hard to get to the top and... my team, Rainbow Tacos Direction, won against the now defeated "undefeated" team by 7-6. It was a close call, but it still feels great to be in 1st place, which we intend to stay in. And the best part it that now there's even more hope for us to win the championship and get THE CARDIO PASS!!! To top that off, if we win the championship, then this will be my third time in a row to get a cardio pass (from volleyball, handball, and speed-away). But who knows? (Still crossing my fingers) And I showed my blog to a few people and they found it very interesting and amusing, so that's great. So....umm... the new thing is that CNN and everybody are saying that the stock market is going to crash? Well... that's all that happened, so keep looking for m

Whatz Up?

Hey guys,     Its been a long time since I've written to you guys. But now it feels great to make a comeback into my blog after a while.  No much has changed in the last few months. Everything is pretty much the same, school is going well, etc.  Anyway, so what's new with you guys? Anything different that has happened over the last few months? Something special? Or just in the ordinary?  Anyway, I still want to know, so post in the comments down below.  Looking forward to what you have to say.        Stay tuned for more.     -Monavitta😜