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Showing posts from May, 2019

Ghosted - A Villanelle

All I want to know is why What occurred just as I feared, Ghosting me with no goodbye. Did you smile, or did you cry Because what you did set me to tears, And all I want to know is why. This helpless circumstance is what I wanted to deny But, why didn’t I see it when it was so clear Ghosting me with no goodbye. I saw the fog pouring into the sky. The storm awaits as you appear Because all I want to know is why. Your actions were not justified, But this guilt inside me began to sear, After ghosting me with no goodbye. I didn’t want what we had to die, So I still forgave you but became just your peer. All I wanted to know was why You ghosted me with no goodbye.

Food is a Feeling

Food, how it finds its way into my mouth. People eat because they are hungry, Or emotional, Or bored. But, I, for one, do not eat for survival. I eat to eat. I spend my lunch socializing and neglecting food, So I can give it my undivided attention. As I open my lunchbag, I inhale the smell of the Indian spices, and the sweet scent of the strawberries. I scrape the remains of my food, so I can savour all the flavor. My eyes, Nose, And mouth,   All foes work together to embrace food. As I swallow every time, my soul and my body become one. Food, how it finds its way to my mouth. Goosebumps have an effect on my body. I see,  Feel,  And embrace this feeling. This beautiful aching of hunger is something I love to endure. When I’m finished, I wait, For another time when food will find its way into my mouth.