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Showing posts from August, 2020

Ganesh Festival

‘Modak’ is one of my favorite food made at the Ganesh festival. I and Lord Ganesha share one common thing that is this Modaks. LOL. It is basically fresh coconut and jaggery mixed with poppy seeds, nutmeg, cardamom, and stuffed inside a sachet made with rice flour and saffron, then steamed. I think in Malaysia they have something similar as well. Most of the Hindus celebrate the Lord Ganesh festival in late Aug/early Sept as per the Hindu calendar. Modaks are one of the offerings made for god. It's a 10-day festival and I have fond memories of celebrating it in India while being on Summer vacation. While the whole family, uncles/aunts/cousins come together for 10days and pray to this deity for wealth, knowledge, prosperity. Eat lots of food and have fun! It's like having Christmas all over again. Lord Ganesha is an elephant-headed god and he is a younger son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. This festival is celebrated as his Birthday. One of the popular legends says Lord Ganesha was