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Good Luck!

Hey Guys! Good Morning! If you are new to my blog, I would like to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Monica Manmadkar, the blogger. I am a freshman in high school, and I write a blog about my life and others around me. I know its been a long time since I have posted something on here, but its been busy. I came into high school, and the workload was a lot. But, have no fear, I will be posting regularly from now on. Finals are here, and its bright and early. Everyone must be cramming to get those borderline grades up. I just wanted to put my motivation out there for those who think they can't survive these last two days of school. Don't Worry! Its the last stretch of this long journey you've been through the whole year. You got this! You can bring those grades up, and if you don't, then it is OK. This is just one semester of your whole life. You have a lot in front of you, such as more opportunities to prove to colleges that you deserve to be a student at their academ

The secret

Hi guys! Just one more week until no more SBAC, (for a year)... :( I've just read this book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne , which is great.. Anyway, there's not much new but I just wanted to convey a message that I have learned over the break.          The Secret of Life The secret of life is a simple subject which is very easy to understand and makes a huge difference in life. But, the surprising factor is that not many people know.      The secret of life is that you need to be positive and not attract negative things .  I know this sounds cheesy and that you already know all this stuff, but it is actually very true. If you want something, then you should ask the universe and be positive . For example:   One who says that "I do not like my teacher!" would be attracting negative things towards them, like their teacher hating them, etc.     While one who says that "I enjoy my PE class.." would be attracting positive things. So, I do

Happy Women's day

So hey guys, I've not been writing because I've been busy and stuff... Anyway, so I'll make this quick and easy.    So today, we had our state PE test, and I was pretty proud of my timing!!! And today we had an earthquake drill, so 1st period of PE have to run the mile all over again tomorrow. :( :( :( :(  1st period has my sympathy. And for todays topic: HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY!!! This is to all the girls (and boys)   We are no less than men. We have the ability to thrive. We are independent.  WE AE EQUAL!!       The fight for gender equality shall remain. HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY!!


HEY GUYS!    I wanted to try something different today. As I have been getting feedback on my blog from many people, I wanted to incorporate some of that feedback into my blog posts. So as I have been updating you guys about my life.  I wanted to make this post all about you! What I want to know is: Why do you read my blog?... ...Is there anything special going on? Or is it all the same? Are you guys happy or sad about something, anything, everything? So...what's new? No matter what it is I want to know. So this is all about you! Tell the world, what's your story? -Monavitta -Your Innovative Trend Setter


So hey guys... I'm back! and it feels great to be writing. what happened today... not much.     PE was great! We are playing speed-away, and we ,my team, were trying so hard to get to the top and... my team, Rainbow Tacos Direction, won against the now defeated "undefeated" team by 7-6. It was a close call, but it still feels great to be in 1st place, which we intend to stay in. And the best part it that now there's even more hope for us to win the championship and get THE CARDIO PASS!!! To top that off, if we win the championship, then this will be my third time in a row to get a cardio pass (from volleyball, handball, and speed-away). But who knows? (Still crossing my fingers) And I showed my blog to a few people and they found it very interesting and amusing, so that's great. So....umm... the new thing is that CNN and everybody are saying that the stock market is going to crash? Well... that's all that happened, so keep looking for m

Whatz Up?

Hey guys,     Its been a long time since I've written to you guys. But now it feels great to make a comeback into my blog after a while.  No much has changed in the last few months. Everything is pretty much the same, school is going well, etc.  Anyway, so what's new with you guys? Anything different that has happened over the last few months? Something special? Or just in the ordinary?  Anyway, I still want to know, so post in the comments down below.  Looking forward to what you have to say.        Stay tuned for more.     -Monavitta😜    

Daily review

Hi guys!!  I am here with today's daily news updates about my life!! So much happened today!! OMG the words in my brain are like over following from my ears!!! Kay so in History today: There was this guy who went to bathroom and when he came back, to not interfere with the slides he crawled under all the desks!! In FRENCH CLASS: we had a competition for review for the test and yesterday when we were playing the game the game was tied until the bell rang. And today was game point!! And in the game point my team had chosen me as their best team player to go and win. AND behind me, everyone was cheering on and saying that i could do it. AND THEN IN THE THE THE THE END I won the point for our team. AND behind me everyone was like "ALL HAIL MONICA! ALL HAIL MONICA!! ALL HAIL MONICA!!" This made me feel SO special because my team had counted on me and now they were about the carry me on their shoulders!! :)))) Well that is all; this is  ME  signing off with the daily

Back to School

  So as you know, school has begun and middle school has started. In this time, I have begun to get used to the every day schedule of going to Hopkins. Junior High has gotten off to a grest start and has kept becoming better each day. It has been a blast learning how to speak French and learning about a "utopian society". I hope that you guys are also having a blast in Junior High. Tell me in the comments about how your life in JH is going, or if there is anything special going on please let me know!      Forever your friend,             Good luck!!


    Hey guys! It's been a long time since I've written on the blog. Is there anything new? Well in my case I just came back from my trip to India and I started my studies. As fun as this sounds, I also had a great time hanging out with my cousin sister! Tell me what's new?! 😘

Done Finally!!!!!!!!!

 We are done FINALLY with SBAC Testing.  The SBAC Testing was torture!! And now it's done, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. How do you feel about the SBAC testing having been finished. I feel like now there is no reason to go to school and also I'm counting days until the picnic and promotion. Since it is close to promotion, can you all tell about what you are going to wear on this wonderful day. Also what are you guys going to do over this 4-day long weekend.                                                   -MONAVITTA

Science Olympiad and other stuff

 Hey! What's new? For me, in Science Olympiad!!!  I just won 2nd place in Mystery Architecture and Most Innovative Design  in the rubber band catapult. The most exciting part is there are many schools in the whole bay area participating  and I won 2nd place. In Mystery Architecture, we were supposed to build a bridge that was 1-inch off the ground and 2 feet long, with only Popsicle sticks and a roll of tape. My partner and I both worked to the last second to find our bridge unsuccessful. Until we saw this mystery object on the side, so to make our bridge 1 inch, we stuck that under the middle of the bridge to make it the bridge that will win 2nd place in the competition. Also in the rubber band catapult, the design that we made was totally different than the design that the rules suggested. Since we did a completely new design , we won the most innovative design in the whole competition's build projects. We also had SBAC testing today, the English. Thankfully, 1/4 of th


Ughh Im so annoyed about people taking advantage of your kindness. What they do is that they come to you with their problems and they blame you! Like grow up and be mature much? Its like what did I ever do to you?   Anyway if you know someone who either emails or blames you for what they have done or for their problem. Then do on thing. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF< AND DONT JUST SWALLOW PEOPLE'S INSULTS OR BLACKMAIL. Do the right thing and stand up 'cause i know that people do take the advantage of your kindness, and they blame you for their problems. Help stop bullying now before its too late!!

Stuff @ School

  CYBER BULLYING            Cyber bullying is a harsh treatment of others. In school, someone hacked into A's account and sent Mr. Tietze a document on how someone should get a RED-ZONE. And the next day when Mr. Tietze consulted A, A said that he did not send that document to him. Therefore, that means that someone hacked  into A's account and sent Mr. Tietze that doc.!! So who sent Mr. Tietze that document. Mr. Tietze suspects that it must be someone from our class, because behind the computers are all of our usernames and passwords of our google docs. school account. Therefore, IT MUST BE SOMEONE FROM OUR CLASS!! What do you think? Who is it? (only for people who are in my class)